Wesley Self

Nashville, United States

Wesley Self, MD, MPH is the Vice President for Clinical Research Networks & Strategy at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, a practicing emergency physician, and clinical researcher. He leads a team of investigators and study personnel that has successfully conducted numerous clinical trials and epidemiologic programs during the past decade in ARDS, sepsis, and pneumonia. He has published over 180 peer reviewed manuscripts, was named one of the top 90 pneumonia researchers in the world in 2018 and co-authored the 2021 American College of Emergency Physicians sepsis guidelines. He is the principal investigator of several multicenter research programs, including the CDC-funded IVY Network, which is a national program investigating the epidemiology of respiratory viruses and vaccines effectiveness, and the clinical coordinating center for the NHLBI-funded ACTIV-4 host response clinical trials platform, which is a program investigating host-targeted investigational drugs for the treatment of COVID-19.