Bruno François

Limoges, France

Dr. François is a critical care physician at the University Hospital of Limoges, France. He works in a 22 bed medical/surgical ICU and is the head of the Limoges Clinical Investigation Center of which main expertise is Infectious Diseases in critically ill patients. He has been national coordinator for numerous emergency trials especially in Sepsis and VAP, and has participated in several advisory boards for multinational trials, Clinical Evaluation Committees and Adjudication Committees. He is more specifically interested in new drugs and innovative strategies in critically ill patients. He is author of many publications in the ICU field especially about Sepsis and VAP and is also reviewer for several medical journals. He has an expertise in the bedside organization of clinical research in the ICU. He created the CRICS network and has lead the CRICS-TRIGGERSEP network which integrate all research activities in Sepsis from basic science to clinical trials. Since 2012, he is co-coordinating the COMBACTE-Net consortium.