Mona Fiuzat
Arlington, USA
Mona Fiuzat, PharmD, FACC, FHFA, FHFSA is an Associate Professor of Medicine at Duke University, Senior Scientific Advisor for FDA, Division of Cardiology and Nephrology (CDER, DCN), former Executive Editor and current editorial consultant for JACC: Heart Failure, and former Senior Scientific Advisor to the FDA Commissioner. Her clinical research experience has been in clinical trials with a focus on pharmacogenetics in heart failure, and she helped file an NDA for the first proposed pharmacogenetically targeted heart failure drug. She worked in the Heart Failure research program at Duke on a number of key clinical trials as an investigator and steering committee member, and has authored or co-authored over 100 papers in the field of heart failure. Most recently, she helped develop and facilitate the “Heart Failure Collaboratory”, an effort of government agencies, academicians, patients, societies and payers to improve heart failure research and therapeutic development. She is a former Program Chair for the Heart Failure Society of America’s (HFSA) Scientific Sessions, former Membership Co-Chair, Research Network Taskforce, and served on the HFSA Board of Directors including officer roles as HFSA Secretary and Treasurer. She has also served on the ACC Education and Outcomes Committee, and AHA Nominations Committee. She was the recipient of the 2019 ACC Distinguished Associate Award.