Christina Barkauskas

Durham NC, United States

Christina Barkauskas is a pulmonologist, intensivist, and stem cell biologist (Assistant Professoressor of Medicine - Pulmonary, Allergy, and Critical Care Medicine at Duke University). She has extensive experience with multi-site COVID therapeutic trials, and has extensive basic science background with expertise in understanding the fundamental mechanisms involved in lung injury and repair and in exploring novel treatments for acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). As a practicing pulmonary and critical care physician, she is an expert in management of patients with lung disorders, critical illness, and the sequelae thereof. She is currently the co-chair of ACTIV3b/TESICO: Therapeutics for Severely Ill Inpatients with COVID-19, a multi-site international platform study evaluating the safety and efficacy of aviptadil vs. placebo in patients with ARDS.