Stuart Spencer
London, United Kingdom
Stuart Spencer joined The Lancet in 1999 and throughout his time there has led the Fast Track team that aims to select, review and publish prestigious manuscripts within 4 weeks of receipt. After graduating Stuart moved into research which started at the Brompton Hospital, London, looking at scoliosis in children before moving to the Veterinary School site at Bristol University. During this period he was invited to establish a research unit in The Netherlands. Later he set up a research team for a major pharmaceutical company in Switzerland, and then spent 9 years as a senior researcher in New Zealand. He has had two senior research fellowships at Leuven University, Belgium, and visiting Professoressorships at King’s College, London and Hong Kong University, and a doctorate of medicine from Umea University, Sweden. Stuart is also a Trustee of the Scoliosis Association (UK), is on the British Scoliosis Research Fund grants committee, and the steering Committee of the Swedish National GP Research School.