Mitchell Krucoff

Durham, United States

Dr. Mitchell W. Krucoff, interventional cardiologist, graduated Yale University 1976 Magna Cum Laude, and M.D. and Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society from George Washington University 1980. At Duke University since 1988 he is tenured Professor of Medicine/Cardiology and Director of the Cardiovascular Devices Unit at the DCRI, and works as a Special Government Employee for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Under FDA-Duke Memos of Understanding he co-Directs 3 public-private partnerships focused on regulatory landscape with regard to cardiac safety (CSRC), medical device evidence (NEST PASSION Programs) and international regulatory harmonization (Japan-USA HBD). He has been principal investigator, study chair, executive committee, steering committee and safety monitoring committees of numerous medical device studies with over 450 publications. He is the founding Co-chair of the American Heart Association Cardiogenic Shock Registry and a founding Board member of the Academic Research Consortium (ARC).